Development Project
This project aims to renew a formerly strong value chain for the export of cashew nuts from Kenya to international markets.
Cooperating Partners in Kenya
Grow Fairly Ltd.
Selected County governments: Kilifi, Kwale, Lamu
Pwani University (Kilifi), Department of Agriculture
Sote Hub
Kenya Forestry Research Institute
Cashew nuts are a traditional crop in Kenya and have contributed significantly to Kenya’s exports in the past. Kenya exported 22,200 MT of cashew nuts in 1970. However, by 2018, the exports had fallen to 9,700 MT.
A significant reason for the decline in exports was closure of the only local cashew nut processing factory. This led to a gradual decline of the entire industry in the region. Consequently, smallholder farmers had nowhere to sell their harvest and the cashew trees were no longer cared for.
Cashew Trees
Currently, approximately two million cashew trees grow on the Kenyan coast. However, many of them are very old and neglected.
Cashew Nuts
In recent years, demand for cashew nuts is growing worldwide. Cashew nuts are an attractive export crop.
Nut Processing
African producers export most of their crop (90%) as in-shell cashew nuts to Vietnam and India for processing.
Pilot Project
In 2018 we initiated a pilot cashew project. The trees planted so far have potential to increase cashew nut production in Kenya by up to 30 %.
Project purpose
Our main goal is to create a world class cashew value chain. Most importantly, we will re-design the cashew value chain into an efficient system that re-distributes value further down the value chain, while still allowing for a profitable business. As a result, we will help to permanently improve the livelihoods of 30,000 rural small holder farmers in the depressed coastal regions of Kenya. In particular, we aim to improve the discretionary income of the participating farmers by 15% through access to a new, high value and low input cash crop.

Outcome 1
Improved access to jobs and income generating activities (through restoration of Kenyan cashew value chain)
Outcome 2
Increased Kenyan exports of processed cashew nuts to global markets, creation of sustainable market access and value chain for existing and new cashew farmers
Outcome 3
Increase in the number of farmers involved in the cashew industry, with particular focus on attracting women and youth
project Goals in Numbers
New Cashew Farmers
added to the existing 15,000 total 30,000 (30% women)
Cashew Seedlings
distributed per year, total 1.2 million
Mature Trees
renewed per year, total 800,000
Total Jobs
(50% women)
Permanent Factory Jobs
Jobs in Purchasing Centers
Jobs in Cashew Nurseries
Youth Engaged in Pruning
Cooperating Schools
with cashew clubs in 3 counties
Students Informed
about cashew as a future
Students Participating
(50% girls)
Seedlings Distributed to Schools

This project – “KEN-21/0001, Renewing the Kenyan Cashew Value Chain” – is supported by a grant from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).
Grant Agreement | Annex II | Annex III | Sub-Grantees | Results Framework